Hammonton Youth Soccer Association
(A New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation)

(Names and Offices)

SECTION 1. Name The name of this nonprofit corporation is HAMMONTON YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION (HYSA), and shall also be known by such other name or names as the Board of Directors may designate from time to time.

SECTION 2. Office The registered office of HYSA is PO BOX 1050 Hammonton, New Jersey 08037 or


The purposes of HYSA are:

  1. To promote and advance generally the needs and welfare of youth, without regard to race, religion, color, age, sex or national origin, within the limits of Hammonton, New Jersey, to foster and encourage in the youth of the community a spirit of loyalty and faith in American traditions and institutions; to participate actively in constructive movement and endeavors for the promotion and safeguarding of the interests and general welfare of the youth of the community; to provide meeting places where the youth of community may enjoy educational, social benefits and athletic activities under competent supervision; to carry out the purpose of the corporation to do an and all other things lawful and proper in the promotion of the common interest of the youth of the community.
  2. To cooperate and become associated with and contribute to other nonprofit corporations or organizations which are tax-exempt under section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as they now exist or hereafter amended, in an effort to avoid duplication of service provided by HYSA and generally carried on within Hammonton, New Jersey.


  1. Executive Board shall be defined as set forth in Article 3 of the Constitution of the Hammonton Youth Soccer Association (hereinafter referred to as “HYSA”).
  2. Officers shall be defined as set forth in Article 3 of the Constitution fo the HYSA.
  3. Active Trustees shall be defined as those members of the HYSA who have been nominated by any member of the Executive Board to join the Executive Board and have received an affirmative vote by a majority of the Executive Board.
  4. General Membership shall be defined as the adult parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of all HYSA Youth Members, coaches and assistant coaches, or any other adult elected to the General membership by the Executive Board.
  5. Youth Members shall be defined as any youth member of any team affiliated with the HYSA Travel Program or Recreational Program.
  6. HYSA Travel Program shall consist of all HYSA sponsored teams which compete at an advanced level against teams from other towns and/or soccer associations.
  7. HYSA Recreational Program shall offer local youths the opportunity to compete on intramural teams consisting of players within defined Recreational Program Birth Years.
  8. Recreational Program Birth Year will be defined as the Birth Date falling between October 1 through September 30 of the following year. School Grades will not be considered when establishing a Recreational Player’s Birth Year.
  9. HYSA Travel Program age groups shall be consistent with the age definitions set forth by the New Jersey Youth Soccer Association.
  10. Any section of these By-Laws may be amended in full or in part by a majority vote of the Executive Board II.


SECTION 1. President The President shall preside over all meetings of the voting members and the Board of Directors as a non-voting member and shall do and perform such other duties as shall pertain to such office and as may assigned to him by the Board of Directors or executive committee.

SECTION 2. Vice President There shall be one vice president who shall have such additional powers and duties granted to or imposed upon them as may be assigned to them by the president and Board of Directors. The vice president selected by the Board of Directors shall have and perform the powers and duties of the president in case of his absence or disability, or should the president fail or be unable to designate such vice president, the none of the Board of Directors chosen shall act as president.

SECTION 3. Secretary The secretary shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the voting members, Board of Directors, and executive committee, and perform such other duties as shall pertain to such office as may be assigned to them by the Board of Directors or executive committee.

SECTION 4. Treasurer The treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall have the custody of all funds, property and securities of HYSA, subject to such regulations as may be imposed by the Board of Directors or Executive committee. All funds of HYSA shall be deposited in such banks or depositories as the Board of Directors or executive committee may from time to time designate, which funds shall be subject to withdrawal by check or draft upon the signatures of such persons as the Board of Directors or executive committee may from time to time designate. The treasurer shall perform all other duties incidental to such office and such other duties as the Board of Directors or executive committee may assign to such officer from time to time. Two signatures will be needed to sign each check.


  1. The Executive Board shall meet once during each calendar month at a place and time to be determined by the Executive Board. However, the Executive Board may at its discretion forgo meeting in the Month of December. Notice of the Time and Place of the meeting shall be provided through any accepted form of media or publication.
  2. The Executive Board shall conduct an Annual Meeting of the General Membership every January. Notice of the Time and Place of the Meeting shall be provided to the General Members through any accepted form of media or publication.
  3. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the management of the HYSA. It shall adopt rules and regulations and establish policies which are necessary for the efficient operation of the HYSA.
  4. The Executive Board shall have the ability to create Committees to assist in the efficient operation of the HYSA. The Committees may include members of the General Membership of the HYSA.
  5. Members of the Executive Board must attend two-thirds of the monthly meetings in a calendar year to remain an Active Trustee in Good Standing. If a Member of the Executive Board either fails to attend two-thirds of the Executive Board meetings or misses five (5) consecutive Executive Board Meetings regardless of calendar year, that member shall be removed from his/her position as an Executive Board Member. Exceptional circumstances may be considered by the Executive Board if reinstatement is sought by the removed member.


  1. The Officers shall serve one year terms beginning on the First meeting of the Executive Board after elections are held.
  2. The Executive Board shall appoint a three (3) member Special Committee on Elections each November to receive Nominations for each office. The members of the Special Committee on Elections shall consist of the Vice-President and at least one Active Trustee. Nominations must be received by December 15th, and present all nominations at the Meeting of the General Membership in January.
  3. Elections shall take place at the Annual Meeting of the General Membership held each January.
  4. All General and Executive Board members present at the Annual Meeting shall be eligible to vote for each office. The Vote shall be taken by secret ballot if requested by any member present.

(Disciplinary Policies)

SECTION 1. Yellow Cards

  1. One (1) yellow card will lead to a review of the circumstances leading to the card by the Board of Directors.
  2. Two (2) yellow cards will lead to a review of the circumstances leading to the card by the Board of Directors. A letter will be issued by the Board stating the penalty for receiving three (3) yellow cards. This letter will be considered a written warning.
  3. Three (3) yellow cards will result in a two game suspension.
  4. Any additional yellow cards will result in a suspension.

SECTION 2. Red Cards

  1. One (1) red card will result in a two game suspension.
  2. Two (2) red cards will result in a minimum five game suspension. Two (2) red cards will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. This review could result in a permanent suspension.
  3. Three (3) red cards will result in a permanent suspension.

SECTION 3. Physical Altercation

  1. The first time that anyone is involved in a fight, it will lead to a five game suspension. All incidents of fighting will be reviewed by the grievance committee.
  2. The second time that anyone is involved in a fight will lead to a permanent suspension.

SECTION 4. Enforcement

  1. These penalties will be enforced against anyone who is involved in HYSA and are cumulative.
  2. Anyone receiving a card must inform the Commissioner of his or her division. The Commissioner will in turn inform the county representative. Coaches must fill out a form that will be provided by HYSA and present the form to the Commissioner of the division whenever there is a card presented at their game.

SECTION 5. Appeals

  1. Appeals of all penalties imposed by HYSA will be accepted by the Board of Directors within three (3) days of the infraction. The appeal should be a letter addressed to the grievance committee and presented to the Commissioner of your division.
  2. The grievance committee shall be made up of the four division commissioners and the director in charge of referees.
  3. All appeals involving suspensions will be reviewed within three (3) days of receiving the appeal.


  1. The HYSA Recreational Program shall be open to all youths within the local geographic area who meet one or more of the following criteria:
    1. have a Recreational Program Birth Year between the ages of Four (4) and Fifteen (15) during the Recreational Season.
    2. is not a member of any Travel Program Soccer Team at U15 or older.
    3. is not the member of any High School Soccer Team
  2. The Recreational Program shall consist of teams within the following age definition.
    1. Little Heat U5: Players turning ages 3-4 during the Recreational Program Birth Year
    2. Mini Heat U7(Kindergarten): Players turning ages 5 during the Recreational Program Birth Year
    3. Mini-Novice U8 (1st Grade) Players turning ages 6-7 during the Recreational Program Birth Year
    4. Novice U11(2nd Grade-4th Grade): Players turning ages 8-9-10 during the Recreational Program Birth Year
    5. Mini Senior U13 (5th Grade-6th Grade) : Players turning ages 11-12 during the Recreational Program Birth Year
    6. Senior U15 (7th Grade-8th Grade) : Players turning ages 13-14 during the Recreational Program Birth Year


Section 1 – Travel Committee

There will be a travel committee consisting of the following members:

  • Boys Travel Commissioner
  • Girls Travel Commissioner
  1. The travel committee will meet no less than four times per calendar year, report to the Executive Committee, and carry out the following duties:
    1. Organize the club wide tryouts
    2. Review the annual reports of each travel team
    3. Make recommendations to the Executive Committee to maintain a successful travel program.

Section 2 – Age Requirements

  1. All travel teams will roster players in accordance with the rules laid out by the appropriate league with regards to age limitations and roster size.

Section 3 – Tryouts – Boys and Girls

  1. Club wide tryouts will be held each year during the fall and spring seasons to recruit players for the following travel season. Tryouts will be organized by the travel committee in conjunction with all existing travel coaches with the intention of attracting additional players to enhance or create competitive travel teams.
  2. Players will be considered first for an age appropriate team, but if such a team does not exist they will be allowed to play on another team. If a team folds and there are players that are eligible for an age appropriate team, the players will go to that team or another team can be formed.
  3. Individual teams are free to organize separate tryouts when recruiting players for the spring season or during the fall season.

Section 4 – Coaches

  1. Any person wishing to coach a travel team is required to make an application to the Executive Committee outlining their coaching philosophy, background in coaching, intentions for the team, and demonstrate that they have the minimum required coaching license. Once approved each coach is required to present to the travel committee an annual summary of the season and outline their plans for the next year. This summary should include, but not limited to, information regarding team strategy, player development, financial reports, or other information as defined by the travel
  2. New coaches will be assigned a mentor from amongst the current travel coaches to assist with league registration, team preparation, and club responsibilities.
  3. All coaches are required to attend 3-4 travel meetings held by HYSA (the coach may be represented by an assistant coach). Attendance is also required to retain voting rights on travel issues.
  4. Failure to attend or be represented can lead to removal as coach or the team by Executive Committee with a Hearing first.
  5. The Executive Committee will review league conduct reports and parent feedback each year to determine if action or assistance is required with respect to individual coaches.
  6. In the event that there are enough players for more than one team in any age group, coaches of each team will be free to make offers during the fall/spring tryouts to players not currently playing for another team within the club. If a coach intends to cut a player or fold the team they should notify the other relevant coaches of the availability of the player. Teams should be evenly balanced in terms of roster size with the intention of maintaining teams with players of similar ability to ensure
    that player development and game time is not hindered.

Section 5 – Players

  1. Players selected for a travel team during the fall/spring tryouts will be guaranteed a place for the full seasonal year, but will be required to undertake a successful tryout each year to remain on the team.
  2. All players are required to register through the club website and pay the appropriate fee covering club and league registration. Failure to pay the fee before the beginning of the season will result in that player losing their place on the team.